Drawing & Design

My experience working with advertising, graphic design, fine art, art direction, and more give me more outlets to support the arts. With a particular interest in the creative side of marketing and design work, I am able to give the arts the constant promotion is requires. I enjoy the way advertising can become an art form in its own, with holding onto a very strong point of view and message. To learn more about how all these ideas mesh together, you can check out my full artistic statement by clicking below!

Fine Art Gallery

Lighting Design

Graphic Design

This book is a compiled archive of different creative processes students utilize to get after their work. I designed this cover and collaborated with another student to piece this book together in Indesign.
Check out the whole book by clicking on the image above.

For this project I designed the menu, logo, and recipes for this restaurant “Balance” using a variety of Adobe programs.
Click on the image to see the inside of the menu.